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ZenGo: Crypto & Bitcoin Wallet



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ZenGo: Crypto & Bitcoin Wallet(圖1)-速報App

Buy bitcoin (BTC), ethereum, (ETH), and more, earn interest, and manage your crypto with unprecedented safety and simplicity.

With the ZenGo keyless wallet, crypto is finally easy.

** Buy bitcoin and cryptocurrencies quickly and easily **

Buying crypto in ZenGo is quick, simple, and secure. Purchase assets in 188 countries with your credit card, Apple Pay, or via bank transfer, and have it in your wallet in minutes.

ZenGo: Crypto & Bitcoin Wallet(圖2)-速報App

** Swap BTC, ETH and more **

Trade one crypto asset for another — exchange crypto, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tezos, USD Coin, and others — all from the safety of your ZenGo wallet.

** Earn crypto and save for the long term **

Use ZenGo as your savings account to earn daily interest and rewards on Dai, USD Coin, Tezos, Ethereum, and more. Just tap to activate, sit back, and watch your portfolio grow.

ZenGo: Crypto & Bitcoin Wallet(圖3)-速報App

** With ZenGo’s one-tap support, you’re never alone **

We understand that crypto can be confusing. That’s why we make it super easy to chat with us from anywhere in the app. We’re always here to help.

** Never worry about losing your private keys again **

With ZenGo’s advanced cryptography, there is no private key. Instead, the responsibility of signing blockchain transactions is divided between us and our customers, so that neither party sees the other's secret information. It also means that you never have to worry about managing private keys again. It makes ZenGo the simplest and safest bitcoin and cryptocurrency wallet that customers trust.

ZenGo: Crypto & Bitcoin Wallet(圖4)-速報App

** Stay in control **

ZenGo does not have access to your funds. All transactions happen directly on the blockchain. With securely encrypted biometrics and our password-free security, only you control your funds.

** Send and receive crypto in seconds**

Use ZenGo to transact with anyone in the world from the convenience of your mobile phone. Make Bitcoin transactions in a couple of taps. Currently, we support Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Binance Coin (BNB), Dai (DAI), Maker (MKR), USD Coin (USDC), Tezos (XTZ), Tether (USDT), Paxos Standard (PAX), and more coming soon.

ZenGo: Crypto & Bitcoin Wallet(圖5)-速報App

** Get instant transaction notifications **

Tired of constantly checking your wallet while waiting for a transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain? With ZenGo, you’ll get notified immediately when you receive your cryptocurrency.

** ZenGo is the customer-first crypto wallet **

“The best UX of any wallet. So simple.” - @wisercharlie

ZenGo: Crypto & Bitcoin Wallet(圖6)-速報App

“Shocked by the ease of use…the best bitcoin wallet in the world.” - @JeremieClevy

“Feels like magic.” - @Montebello

** Praised by the experts **

TechCrunch: “a well-designed mobile app”

ZenGo: Crypto & Bitcoin Wallet(圖7)-速報App

The Block: “a unique cryptographic protocol to provide security and ease of use”

Les Echos: “a revolution for crypto coin owners”

ZenGo: Crypto & Bitcoin Wallet(圖8)-速報App